clear, concise, and easy to read.
The Pilgrim's Progress John Bunyan (Penguin Books)
Looking Unto Jesus Theodore Monod (Bible Light Publishers)
The Knowledge of the Holy A.W. Tozer (Harper Collins Publishing)
Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ Jeanne Guyon (Christian Books Publishing)
Life Out of Death Jessie Penn-Lewis (The Overcomer Literature Trust)
God's Missionary Amy Carmichael (Christian Literature Crusade)
If Amy Carmichael (Christian Literature Crusade)
Waiting on God Andrew Murray (Moody Press)
The Attributes of God Arthur W. Pink (Baker Book House)
Prayer O. Hallesby (Augsburg Publishing)
My Utmost for His Highest Oswald Chambers (Dodd, Mead, and Company)
The Normal Christian Life Watchman Nee (Tyndale House Publishers)
The Spiritual Man, Volumes 1-3 Watchman Nee (Christian Fellowship Publishers)
Sit, Walk, Stand Watchman Nee (Tyndale House Publishers)
The Secret of Fellowship Andrew Murray (Christian Literature Crusade)
The New Venture Reginald Wallis (Loizeux Brothers)
The School of Obedience Andrew Murray (Moody Press)
Continuous Revival Norman Grubb (Christian Literature Crusade)
A New Birth J.C. Ryle (Baker Book House)
The Keswick Hymn Book (Marshall, Morgan, and Scott)
How to Worship Jesus Christ Joseph S. Carroll (Great Commission)
Hymns of Worship and Praise, Compiled by The Evangelical Institute of Greenville, S.C.
Streams in the Desert Mrs. Chas. E. Cowman (Cowman Publications)
Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor (China Inland Mission)
The Autobiography of Madame Guyon Madame Guyon (Moody)
Tortured for Christ Richard Wurmbrand (Living Sacrifice Book Co.)
War on the Saints, Unabridged Jessie Penn-Lewis (Thomas E. Lowe, LTD.)
Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth David Wilkerson (World Challenge, Inc.)
The Old and New Testament (KJV)…clear, concise, and easy to read.